SIBEXTREME AG STYLE on the design award winning Hotel La Briosa in Bolzano.

Design by Felix Perasso, the Hotel La Briosa in Bolzano won the first place of the Wood Architecture Prize by Klimahouse 2023 in the Architettura Sperimentale category.

The Hotel is now completely remodeled following the architectural style of Bolzano city centre. It respects the oldest local traditions and the highest standards of environmental protection and sustainability.

The building was restored using a new moon wood structure making it an example of green building and one of the first to use this specific material.

Congratulations to Feltracco Fratelli for working with SIBEXTREME AG STYLE on the amazing terrazzo floors!

Architect: Felix Perasso
Applicator: @feltraccofratelli
Place: Bolzano, Italy
Award: Wood Architecture Prize by Klimahouse 2023 (Architettura Sperimentale)

  • Name: Feltracco Fratelli
  • Place: Bolzano, Italy